Training Practice


We are a teaching and training practice.

We help train doctors who are learning to become GPs (General Practitioners). These doctors, called GP registrars, have already worked in hospitals for 2 to 4 years. They see patients by themselves, but are supervised by our senior GP trainers.

We are also joined by nurses, medical and healthcare students and others who are gaining experience or furthering their training. Seeing patients and our team at work is important for them. However, if you prefer to see your doctor or practice nurse alone, please let us know and we will respect your wish.

Please let your doctor or the practice manager know if you have any questions about our community medical teaching.


Video-recording of consultations

For education purposes, your doctor may wish to video your consultation. You will be asked if this is acceptable.

All recordings will remain confidential and are only shared with other GP tutors. All videos are destroyed within one year of recording.

If you do not wish your consultation to be recorded, please tell us. This is not a problem and will not affect your consultation in any way.