Practice Opening Hours

Mon to Fri: 8am - 6.30pm, enhanced access Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Day Monday Morning 8am Afternoon 7:15pm Enhanced Access Yes
Day Tuesday Morning 8am Afternoon 7:15pm Enhanced Access Yes
Day Wednesday Morning 8am Afternoon 7:15pm Enhanced Access Yes
Day Thursday Morning 8am Afternoon 7:15pm Enhanced Access Yes
Day Friday Morning 8am Afternoon 6:30pm Enhanced Access No
Day Saturday Morning CLOSED Afternoon CLOSED Enhanced Access No
Day Sunday Morning CLOSED Afternoon CLOSED Enhanced Access No

Patients are seen in Enhanced Access clinics if they have a pre-booked appointment. If you wish to make an evening appointment please telephone reception on 020 7738 7030 or book online in the normal way.

We are closed on bank holidays. To view the surgery closures, please visit our events and closures page


When We're Closed

In an EMERGENCY call 999.
Emergencies are situations that cannot be managed at home and may be life threatening

Less than urgent
If you need medical advice or to see a doctor call 111. There will be someone to provide you with advice and to direct you to a clinician if it is necessary.